How to sell?

1. Contact us

If you own a high-quality painting, an artwork or piece of furniture from the 19th or the 20th century, then please visit us in our gallery

To view and inspect your artwork, we need the followings

    1. a visible photo of the artwork
    2. a photo of a sign or signature
    3. the exact dimensions of the artwork (in case of paintings it means the frameless size)
    4. Any other information, if available / exhibit data, glue on the back of the image, history of the work of art, etc.

You can send all this by e-mail to and our colleagues will contact you

2. Appraisal

If the artwork is compatible with the gallery’s profile, our specialists give a free valuation of the artwork. In the case of orientation-level valuation, it is enough to see the painting’s photo.

1. During e-mail
2. In person

3. Detailed expertation

If the exact value cannot be determined on the basis of the photo, it is necessary to examine the artwork personally,  to check its condition and authenticity.

We undertake the examination of artworks in our gallery during opening hours, but we can also visit Budapest or the countryside for evaluation in advance.

4. Sale

Cash purchase! Our gallery also purchases outstanding artworks matching its profile for cash.

Commission sale: we sell the pictures in our shops under the conditions recorded in the contract. Details here.

Our gallery can also sell its arworks within auctions. Auction sales here