The experts of our gallery provide high level of competence and expertise in paintings and art works to all those interested. Our specialists offer free valuation for paintings and artworks belonging to the gallery’s profile.
If you have a high quality, 19th or 20th century Hungarian or international painting, artwork or furniture you want to sell, please visit our gallery.
We undertake valuation of works of art in our gallery during opening hours. On request, by prior arrangement we visit Budapest or a rural site for appreciation.
If you have an artwork, you are willing to sell or just want to know the value of it, you can visit us personally, by phone or by e-mail!
To inspect and test the artwork, we need the following:
- a visible photo of the artwork
- a photo of a sign or signature
- the precise dimensions of the artwork (in case of paintings it means the frameless size)
- Any other data, if available / exhibit data, glue on the back of the image, history of the work of art, etc.
You can send all this by e-mail to and our colleagues will contact you